Marlin Dev & Community Updates – April 2020

Marlin Dev & Community Updates – April 2020

Hey Everyone! 

We're making progress while working from home. We hope you're all staying safe and taking the necessary precautions. Don't forget to join our discourse channel if you have any technical queries or would just like to discuss about layer 0. 


# Contracts
- Updates to staking contract
- Deployment scripts
- Research into upgradeable contract design
- Research into upgrade governance

# Core
- Capacity double-dip reporting
- Signature-based witness mechanisms
- Groundwork for pluggable async I/O
- Experimental testing framework
- Research into zero cost abstractions

# Integrations
- Incognito chain gateway
- LTO/Waves gateway

Make sure you’re always up to date by following our official channels:

Twitter | Telegram Announcements | Telegram Chat | Discord | Website

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