Marlin Dev & Community Updates - May 2020

Marlin Dev & Community Updates – May 2020

Hey Everyone!

It’s monthly update time! It’s hard to believe that we’re halfway through 2020 already! We’re still working from home and focussed on the big picture! Our research forum is getting lively! Do you jump on to discuss all things layer 0. 


# Payments
- Delegate based abci and integrating it with attester and witnesser modules
- Introducing eth addresses in peer discovery
- Generating receipt and tickets for probabilistic payments

# Contracts
- Design for upgradeable contracts
- Making existing contracts upgradeable
- Updates to payment contract

# Core
- Error handling
- Bounds checking to prevent buffer overflows
- Experimental serialization framework
- Header pre-allocation to minimize copying
- Simulator-based profiling

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