Verida and Marlin: A Partnership to Power Private AI

Verida and Marlin: A Partnership to Power Private AI

Verida is on a mission to empower individuals to own and control their data, ultimately enabling a future of private AI. This vision involves creating a decentralized ecosystem where personal data can be securely managed, processed, and utilized without compromising privacy.

This collaboration will enable developers to build their own Private AI Assistants. Imagine an AI like ChatGPT, but with 100% end-to-end privacy - working exclusively for you. One private vault, with multiple data sources.

To achieve this, Verida is building a robust infrastructure stack that includes:

  • Private Data Bridge: Enabling seamless data transfer from various platforms to a user's Verida vault.
  • Confidential Compute: Utilizing Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to create a network of secure, isolated infrastructure nodes for data processing.
  • Private Compute: Building upon confidential compute to provide granular user control over data access, usage and application deployment.

At the heart of Verida's vision lies private AI, where AI models can be trained and operated on personal data while preserving user privacy. This requires a robust infrastructure capable of handling sensitive data securely and efficiently.

TEEs play a pivotal role in this ecosystem by providing secure, isolated environments for data processing and AI computations. However, deploying and managing TEE-based applications can be complex. This is where Marlin's Oyster comes in.

Oyster is a TEE coprocessor for AI, designed to simplify the development and deployment of AI applications that require high levels of security and privacy. By leveraging Oyster, Verida will:

  • Accelerate AI development: Oyster's platform provides a ready-made infrastructure for deploying confidential AI applications, saving development time and resources for the development of Verida’s confidential compute network.
  • Enhance AI security: Oyster's TEE-based architecture strengthens the security of AI models and data, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access and connecting to Verida’s existing confidential storage network.
  • Optimize AI performance: Oyster's focus on performance can help the Verida confidential compute network deliver faster and more efficient AI experiences for users.

Chris Were, CEO of Verida, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership:

"We have been very impressed with the Marlin technology and the team as we have collaborated on our PoC over the past several months. There is a significant shortage of privacy-preserving computation options today, so it's been refreshing to work with a great team and quickly put together a powerful demonstration of what's possible."

Esli, Head of Ecosystem at Marlin Foundation, added

"By combining Verida’s technology with Marlin’s confidential compute platform, it is possible to unlock the power of a truly private AI assistant. This solution ensures that users’ personal information remains confidential even when training the assistant on their data.”

This partnership between Verida and Marlin represents a significant step forward in the development of private AI. By combining Verida's vision with Marlin's cutting-edge technology, we are creating a foundation for a future where individuals have complete control over their data and how it's used by AI.

Together, Verida and Marlin are committed to empowering individuals and building a world where data privacy and AI coexist harmoniously.

About Verida Network

Verida is a decentralized network that empowers individuals to take control of their personal data, enabling secure storage, sharing, and management. Verida’s infrastructure supports private AI, decentralized identity (DID), and verifiable credentials, all while ensuring that users maintain ownership and control over their data. Verida’s mission is to create a future where users can harness the power of AI without compromising privacy or security.

For more information, visit Verida.

About Marlin

Marlin is a verifiable computing protocol featuring TEE and ZK-based coprocessors to delegate complex workloads over a decentralized cloud. Servers provisioned using smart contract calls host ML models, gateways, frontends, MEV or automation bots, or backends for arbitrary computations using external APIs with baked-in auto-scaling and fault tolerance. Marlin is backed by Binance Labs and Electric Capital.

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