Tutorial: Lock POND to mint MPond using the Marlin bridge

Tutorial: Lock POND to mint MPond using the Marlin bridge

Our token economics post introduced the Marlin tokens POND and MPond. We had mentioned that POND would be distributed amongst eggnet participants and they would be able to use it to mint MPond which is required to operate Marlin nodes in the Larvanet. This is enabled via a bridge. This post explains how to use the bridge using Etherscan or via an equivalent way to make smart contract calls. A more user-friendly interface to interact with the bridge will be released at a later date. 

Step 1: Go to the POND token contract’s page on Etherscan (0x57b946008913b82e4df85f501cbaed910e58d26c)

Step 2: Click on the Contract tab and then select Write as Proxy

POND contract on Etherscan

Step 3: Connect your wallet to Etherscan by clicking on Connect to Web3

Step 4: Provide allowance for the amount of POND to be converted to MPond using the Bridge contract by clicking approve, filling in the following details and then clicking Write

  1. spender (address): Enter the Bridge contract’s address (0xB8324885ffe77b2A69f9dB4d7917ad2Ad1b8F957)
  2. value (uint256): The number of POND to be converted to MPond (with 18 zeroes)

For example, if you wish to convert 3 million POND to 3 MPond, the value to be entered is 3000000000000000000000000.

Convert POND to MPond

Step 5: Go to the Bridge contract’s page on Etherscan (0xB8324885ffe77b2A69f9dB4d7917ad2Ad1b8F957)

Step 6: Click on the Contract tab and then select Write as Proxy again

Step 7: Click getMpond, fill in the desired amount of MPond and then hit Write

  1. _mpond (uint256): The number of MPond to be received (with 18 zeroes)

Note that one million times the value of _mpond should be lower than the allowance of POND granted in Step 4 for Step 7 to be successful (1 MPond = 1 million POND). For the example used in Step 4, if 3 MPond is to be minted by locking 3 million POND, enter 3000000000000000000 here in the _mpond field here. Similarly, if 0.5 MPond is to be minted, type 5 and 17 zeroes.

Click Write and you will find MPond in your wallet equivalent to the amount of POND locked once the transaction has been successfully mined. You might have to add a custom token in your wallet for your token balance to be visible. The token contract address for MPond is given below:

Marlin Bridge Contract

The same smart contract is also responsible for converting MPond to POND. Feel free to start using it if you can by skimming through the code. A separate tutorial for the same will be shared at a later date.

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